
Northpoint Asset Management, Inc. - committed to providing best-in-class real estate management services...driven by relationships and performance.

Sai Kaushik

Data Analyst


Originally from Hyderabad, India, I ventured to Utah a couple of years ago to pursue my Master's degree, focusing on business and data analytics. My goal is to become a proficient data expert, leveraging insights to drive strategic enhancements in decision-making within a company. Outside of work and academics, I am an avid anime enthusiast and book reader. Recently, I've delved into the world of hiking, and I am proud to share that I conquered Angel's Landing at Zion National Park, marking a significant personal achievement. Prior Experience: Worked as a Data Analyst at Infosys Ltd. in India for close to 3 years


Graduated from the University of Utah. M.S. in Information Systems, University of Utah

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Contact your manager or any office if you have a question or concern that is not addressed on this website. We strive to provide top quality service, please let us know how we are doing.

Northpoint Corporate Office

Headquarter Office
170 South Main Street, Suite 875
Salt Lake City, UT 84101