
Northpoint Asset Management, Inc. - committed to providing best-in-class real estate management services...driven by relationships and performance.

Jake Olsen

Data Analyst


Jake has always been fascinated by the mysteries of the universe and the power of data. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for technology, Jake thrives on tackling complicated problems and finding innovative solutions that make a real difference. Born and raised in the picturesque state of Utah, Jake embodies the spirit of adventure both in the office and on the slopes. When not diving deep into data sets or exploring the latest tech trends, you can find Jake carving through fresh powder on a snowboard. But there's more to Jake than just numbers and algorithms. Self-proclaimed nerd, Jake enjoys delving into epic quests in video games, getting lost in the captivating worlds of anime and strategizing over tabletop RPGs with friends. This blend of analytical prowess and creative passion make Jake a unique and valued member of our team. With a background in medical legal consulting, Jake has honed skills in both administrative and IT work, bringing a well-rounded perspective to any project. Additionally, experience as a reporting analyst in the software industry has equipped Jake with the ability to translate complex data into actionable insights.


Jake holds a bachelor's degree in physics from the University of Utah, a testament to a lifelong commitment to understanding and harnessing the power of the natural world.

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Headquarter Office
170 South Main Street, Suite 875
Salt Lake City, UT 84101